
New documentary : Birgitta Stenberg

So just found this link for a new documentary about Birgitta Stenberg. For those who don't know who she is, find out. To me, she's just one of those amazingly inspiring people who don't seem to give a shit about what others might find normal and reasonable. Not that she acts out in furious rages or poses nude for playboy (she's about eighty years old now so I would acctually buy that issue), but in a low key way. She just lives by what she believes in.

As she says in the docymentary: "I don't know what I am, I don't know who I am or why I am. I have no father and I have no mother". I love that. The idea that you really don't need to define what you are, or who you are. The important thing is to go with what feels good for you. And I know it might sound strange not knowing who you are, yeah  I could pick myself out in a line-up, but that's just the exterior self, how I look and the gestures I make. But WHO you are is a massively constricting idea. For me that is.

Going through issues of my own, I find recognition and sense in seeing myself and everyone as free spirits, I know it sounds all hippie mumbo jumbo, but just think about it. There's nothing saying you can't do whatever your heart's desiring. Don't hurt people, not good karma, that's all. And of course, if you decide where you want to be, there is work to be done to get yourself there. I think most people want something, but either they're not sure what exactly, or they instantly talks themselves out of even trying because they see it as beeing impossible. I do both, but where's the sense in that really? If you don't know, why not just try something, it would bring you in one direction or another.

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